Saturday, June 28, 2014

Sydney Strata Managers: Adapting to a Swelling Number of SME Investors

"Strata managers are responsible for ensuring that utilities are constantly working for businesses, especially power. According to financial services firm Allianz, half an hour without power will cost a medium-sized business more than $16,000. Strata managers will have to deal with supply risks that can come from such factors as the unpredictable weather and policy debates over renewable energy. Utilities management is only part of the lookout of Sydney strata managers. Another important aspect of the job is financial management. There must be an intricate financial system to keep track of all costs and expenses, as well as lease collections and other incomes."

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Find Reliable Sydney Strata Management, in Light of Apartment Boom

"Prospective buyers and tenants will want to look at the strata report of Sydney apartments to assess the “health” of a property. Likewise, before they sign a contract for occupancy, apartment residents would typically look into the property management’s ability to meet their requests or address their concerns in a timely, efficient manner. Good management is expected not only by apartment owners, but by tenants or leasers as well, and is thus an important criteria in apartment hunting. For this reason, strata managers should exhibit good people skills and professionalism."